Strictly Money Podcast: Discussing the New Bank Protections. FAIR Canada’s Jean-Paul Bureaud speaks with Strictly Money
Toronto Star: Ontario announces new minimum standards for financial advisors — until now, almost anyone could use the title
Investment Executive: CSA seeks “access equals delivery” for most filings
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Strictly Money Podcast: Addressing Consumer Complaints About Banks. FAIR Canada’s Jean-Paul Bureaud speaks with Strictly Money
Statutory Best Interest Standard Urgently Needed
FAIR Canada strongly believes that Canada urgently needs to implement reforms so that dealers and their individual registrants (“financial advisors”)
OSC Alerts Investors About Risk of Leveraged Investing
The recent issue of OSC Investor News cautions investors about the risks of leveraged investing. While we are pleased to see the OSC recognizing issues relating to leverage, we have some concerns about some statements in this Investor News piece. It warns investors that borrowing money to purchase investments increases risk and provides a mathematical example to demonstrate how losses are magnified if the investment goes down in value. It points out that leveraged investing can result in much greater losses than investing using one’s own cash…