Here are some tools to help you assess your level of knowledge and risk tolerance when investing.

Helpful tools


Assess your investor knowledge.


This worksheet can help you create your budget.

Investor Checklist

Are you ready to invest? Download an investment readiness checklist.

Investing Plan

Not sure how much to invest?
Use this budget tool to help you develop your plan.

Risk Tolerance

How much risk are you prepared to take with your money? Learn about your risk tolerance.


There are many different types of fees and ways that you can be charged on your investments. This calculator, developed by the Ontario Securities Commission, can help you estimate how these fees can affect your investments over time.

Investing Goals

Review this checklist to help you identify your financial and investing goals.


Worried about scams and fraudulent schemes? Take this short quiz created by the Government of Canada to see how much you know about financial fraud.

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