FAIR Canada (Canadian Foundation for the Advancement of Investor Rights) champions the rights of individual investors in Canada through advocacy, education and regulatory advancements.
To advance the rights and protections of individual investors in Canada.
To promote fair treatment of individual investors in Canadian capital markets.
To be the trusted, independent voice on significant issues that impact individual investors.
To provide informed, objective comment on regulatory issues that impact investor fairness and protection.
We are Canada’s only national, non-profit, investor-focused organization, independent of any government or regulator.
We work collaboratively with investor groups, securities regulators, investment industry organizations, and other sector stakeholders to promote fairness and the interests of individual investors.
We advocate for investor fairness in an articulate and balanced way, based on research and knowledge of securities law and regulations.
We are respectful in all our interactions and seek to provide constructive policy solutions.
Executive Director
Policy Counsel
Policy Counsel
Communications Specialist
Chair, Toronto
Nova Scotia
At FAIR Canada, we strive to collaborate and be a unifying voice for the rights and protections of individual investors. Whether it is supporting the work done by other like-minded groups, expanding the reach and impact of our efforts in common, or offering our expertise to help others, we are always interested in opportunities to collaborate with other groups and organizations.
Interested in collaborating with us? Contact us at Collaborate@FAIRCanada.ca.
FAIR Canada works to advance the rights and protections of Canadian investors. We are Canada’s only national, non-profit, investor-focused organization, independent of any government or regulator. Help us continue to advocate on your behalf. Donate Now